You are in control…

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Something nice to share – I have these words up on my Vision Board in my office. I virtually know them off by heart and use the words often as I ponder life… “The first thing to realise is that you are … Read More

Countdown to Charity Auction

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Latest news is that there has been an explosion of donations for the AHSA Flood Appeal Online Charity Auction. People are dealing with devastation that defies words and you can help make a difference by participating in the Auction.. How … Read More

Early History of Toowoomba…

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HISTORY OF TOOWOOMBA adapted from Toowoomba City Council website    The earliest township in what is now the immediate Toowoomba area was Drayton, a small trading and service settlement, at a gully where the tracks of the early bullock teamsters … Read More

After the Flood…

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The water is gone, Spring Creek is back to a brisk flow – no longer a raging torrent! The sky is now blue with fluffy white clouds BUT what a mess!  The clean up begins… a sobering job, giving us time … Read More

Time for a Blatant Plug….

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Time for a blatant plug for several of those who have been such a wonderful support to me as I travel the independent/self publishing journey…   Jody Winning of  Online Bookstore – For everyone who loves books, movies and … Read More

Nature is ruthless!

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“If the mortality rate seems high we must realize that Nature is a ruthless teacher. There are no second chances in Mother Nature’s Survival Course.” William S. Burroughs quote As the clean up at our farm begins we realise Mother … Read More

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