Welcome back to all my wonderful friends and readers ...

I’m thrilled to announce the release of my latest novel
Little did I know when I sat down to write my first book Tails Carried High how this original out of the blue and energising idea would introduce me to the much-loved pass time of writing novels.
When the stories highlight the Arabian horse it’s an added bonus.
While writing and publishing could never be labelled as easy, it appears to have become a large part of my life.
Lastly, a huge THANK YOU to the people who read my books. Also, more THANKS to those who encourage and support me.

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Click here for the Colouring Book

As an American I am encouraged to know that an Australian author is dedicated and understanding of our Arabian breed’s importance to the world. Carmel’s books have touched me deeply.
Lorry Wagner, Sierra Dawn Arabians USA. Active in IAHA and WAHO. Author, and champion to the Arabian breed.
Your series of books stands up with quality in their genre anywhere internationally. What a talent. Your authenticity ever inspires.
Dr Glenys Drew, Director Coach Culture, Coach Communication, Australia
Thank you for a wonderful series, but more importantly pointing out the need to keep our beautiful horses true to their heritage.
Mimi Gaffey, Director for Region One of the Arabian Horse Association, USA
Carmel, I’ve got your latest book for my collection can’t wait for your next one you are my favourite writer and Arab person.
Mary Whitehouse – New Zealand
‘Consequences’ arrived in time for weekend reading. I started yesterday and had to finally close the book since it was past my bed time. I hope to finish it tonight and see if one of my top suspects is the killer. I am thoroughly enjoying reading the book and can’t wait to see what happens in the last part. I did finish it last night – quite the ending. On many different levels, I enjoyed reading the book and really appreciate the messaging. Thank you!
Beth Minnich USA
Thank you Carmel for writing such enjoyable tales about Arabian horses and how this beautiful animal can become a part of the family. This trilogy teaches as well as entertains the reader and will help a new generation of Arabian horse breeders and owners to better understand this wonderful breed.
Sue Jones Australia