“… there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book.” – Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
I can’t help smiling at this sentence. And honestly, I cannot even remember a time when books were not a part of my life. I watched my grandmother often pick up a book and become lost in the story almost immediately.
Am I addicted to books? Guilty! I keep and re read the authors I love best over and over again. My books are my best friends.
There are books for everyone. We’re all so different but there’s basically a reading genre for every book lover on the planet. You may love poetry, biographies, classical literature, fashion magazines, religious, young adult, mystery, self-help, street lit, or romance novels.
For some reason my love of books and the complicated and fascinating world of Arabian horses sparked my imagination, which led me to write down my thoughts. Somehow, over the next ten years this turned itself into my first novel ‘Tails Carried High’. And now here I am with my sixth novel ‘DECEPTION’ released earlier this year. More Arabian horses, more mystery, distant places and wonderful Australian settings.
Carmel, Simeon Sarah and Lorraine Kauffmann
Lorraine Kauffmann sent these wonderful words about DECEPTION ….
“In DECEPTION Carmel Rowley has given us another intriguing colourful tapestry of a novel cleverly weaving together many of our favourite themes including mystery, romance, history, travel, and of course, last but not least, the wonderful Arabian horse. From the verdant Byron Bay hinterland to the ancient archaeological sites of the historical Mediterranean island of Crete (via an action-packed side trip to old Crabbet Park in the UK), we are swept along with experienced dressage competitor Crete Foster as she searches for her unknown biological father. Existing readers of Carmel’s novels will be well and truly delighted with her latest offering, and new readers will be captivated by Carmel’s astute ability to write an astoundingly well researched, page turning novel with a sophisticated plot. Best of all, Carmel’s novels always incorporate a satisfying conclusion.”
No matter what you read, take a little time away from your computer and replenish your soul with a book. Also, when you finish the book send it to a friend.
I know we all have busy lives but don’t forget to take a little time to read and reflect, read and deliberate but above all, find time to read and imagine.
Carmel, I am the same about books. I use to walk to the library and come home with books with horses. Later, my husband to drive me to the library no matter when we lived. Then I found Carmel. Arabian horses have been in my life for years. Joining my two loves is the best ever. I recommend this to any horse lover.
2 Responses
Gail Nettles
Carmel, I am the same about books. I use to walk to the library and come home with books with horses. Later, my husband to drive me to the library no matter when we lived. Then I found Carmel. Arabian horses have been in my life for years. Joining my two loves is the best ever. I recommend this to any horse lover.
Carmel Rowley
Thank you so much dear Gail